Show artwork for WholeLife Film 'Crew Cast'

About the Podcast

WholeLife Film 'Crew Cast'
A 365-Day Film Challenge
A 365-day film challenge by a volunteer 'Cast Crew' of never-before-filmmakers from a group of WholeLife Church members in Orlando, Florida. Led by Stanley Pomianowski they will attempt to complete a film project from concept to completion by December 31st, 2022.

About your host

Profile picture for WholeLife Church

WholeLife Church

WholeLife Church is a diverse congregation in Orlando, Florida. Our mission is loving people into a lifelong friendship with God.

We are . . . single, married, divorced, female, male, straight, LGBTQ, poor, rich, old, young. At WholeLife Church, we welcome any member of the community to join us in worship. We don’t care if you’re a practicing Christian or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We want to offer you grace and peace as you begin or continue your faith journey.

We are WholeLife Church, and we’re all welcome here.